
January 27 - Rest in Peace

I just came off this fantastic weekend in Los Angeles with the San Francisco girls (to be blogged), but met unfortunate news at 8pm that evening. The loss of our dear Prophet Gordon B Hinckley. This man has stood at the head of this church for the majority of my life. He has felt like a dear friend. I remember the first time I was in the same room with him at a Women's Conference down town. I was surprised by my awed experience as we stood in respect and silence. Surprised that it was the first time I had been close to him as he already felt like family. I think most of us feel like he looks like in this photo. Very selfishly I want him to be here with us instead, but comforted to think he is reunited with this precious Marjorie and will be rewarded for his valiant service to so so many. I am so grateful for his example, faith, humor and love. May we all be blessed with someone so special in our lives.


Brittany said...

Erin - this picture breaks my heart...

(btw - I'm still waiting for the promised "fantastic weekend" blog!)