

Shortly after I moved back to Salt Lake, my sister flew me up to Washington to visit. When we woke up one morning, Raena and I were surprised to find envelops of money and instructions to go and have a good time from my wonderful brother-in-law. On this trip my eyes were opened to a whole new world of high heels. Here I am now 25 still learning how to walk in heels. It can be quite entertaining. I'm happy to report no major accidents thus far.


Jonny said...

Hooray for shoes! I love shoes! I hope you don't mind that I'm reading your blog.

natalie fisher

Patrick&Kera said...

more more!!!

Sheri said...

I agree, I want more more of Erins life! Did you watch GG? So sad!

Chelle and Aaron said...

I'm so glad to hear you are spoiling yourself a little bit...you deserve it!