
June 2 - Yet Another Move

I moved two houses up the street. My fifth move in three years. The Elders Quorum came to help me. It was an impressive 45 minutes passing what we could over a fence and cutting through the neighbor's backyard.
My former occupancy
Until we tried to move the couches out of the basement...
Many minds tried to figure this one out. Steph and I moved the two DI couches in by ourselves, it didn't seem like getting them out would be such a challenge. Boy, was I wrong.
With all of the burly brethren around, I gave the very important task of documenting to my friend, Elyse, so she wouldn't have to sweat much. She ran away with it. And everyone else says that I'm bad.

These videos probably shouldn't be shared, but I just adore Elyse and it brings a smile to my face every time. I could only hope it will bring a smile to your face too.

It really can be done.

The crew...some of which only supervised...in front of our new place. As this move was unplanned for all three of the new roomies, it's timing couldn't have been more off. All three of us were headed out of town at the very time we should have been moving in. After this eventful evening, Marin and I picked up our final third from the airport to welcome her home and start a new adventure together.