First on the list: Move.
Yes, this was the sixth in four years. Thank yous to all the poor fools who volunteered to move me 42 stairs up to the third floor. Good Karma.
My caravan.

One truck. Three cars.
Arrived at my new place the same time as a rain storm.

Everyone was drenched. I'm so sorry guys.
Thank you thank you thank you.

The Juliennie and Erin chapters begin:
I learned how to play Poohead.

I got to meet this precious, Alexander John.
Congratulations Lizzie & Matt.

Still able to meet up for breakfast with the oldies, Jen & Marin. The Original Pancake House. Hmmm.

Juliennie turned 25!

Dinner at the Spaghetti Factory with her friends.

Then cake and ice cream at our new place. Julienne was jealous that St. Patrick got his own day and color, so a handful of years ago she officially declared June 7th to be Julienne Perry Day of which you are required to wear orange.

It was fun to have sufficient space to hold people.

A late dunes trip started with a stop to this crazy delicious scone place in Nephi. They were HUGE!!

Liv didn't have a choice but to ride with me on Cooper's bike.

Classic Rapture Chicken.
Looks a little different then the 'dinosaur nuggets' that I tried to make at Bear Lake this year. :S

We weren't faced with heat mid June in Little Sahara, no heat, Rain. This summer had a really hard time getting started this year.

Most of the pictures I come home with from the dunes are of Olivia. It's just not fair that she is THAT cute. Here she is honking the horn of the three wheeler and busting a gut every time.

I realized after I moved much I left behind.

My nieces had a skating competition locally.

Madison did great!

My sister asked me to announce the whole competition! I've never done anything like it. It was really hard and I got really nervous.

I even announced Morgan's name wrong. :S

But I got to hang out the whole weekend with these girls.

It was fun.

Bowling with the boys.

Dinner with Brooke at California Pizza Kitchen.

Shoe party with Juliennie. Bought out of my norm and I've only worn them once. :(

A friend of mine, Anna, texted out an emergency mourning for MJ at the cemetery.

A dozen people or so showed up and we had a great time paying tribute to a legend.

Complete with milk and cookies.

After JP Day we kept the balloons in our apartment for awhile, until one day we found our pair of scissors and it was a slaughter.

Nothing survived.

I got to play with Brooke and her kids for a whole day. Here are a couple random pictures of three of her cute kids while we were waiting at Lowe's.

Those killer blue eyes.

Redds and Harts came over to see my new place.
This is a classic scene.

My new place has two hot tubs and an accompanying fireplace. Room for everyone. It's beautiful.

I was itchin' for a classic summer day. So Marinnie, Juliennie and I hit up the local Gardner Village Beach Party...

Limbo-ed for discounts.

Then off to fireworks and flat bread.
Followed by $15 pedicures. It was perfect.

Life at 'The Ritz' is panning out different than expected.
But it's still full of adventure.